Hello Friends, Today in this post we’ll learn How To Create a 404 Error Page | Custom 404 Page Not Found Using HTML & CSS. recently I have shared Social Media Icons Tooltip With Hover Effects | HTML, CSS. But our today’s topic is Create 404 Error Page | Custom 404 Page Not Found Using HTML & CSS.
As you already know 404 is an error that is displayed when the server fails to locate the page or file that the user requests. For those who aren’t familiar with how it looks, have you seen a page like this before? Looking at the default page of page 404 not found, you can imagine how cringe-worthy it would feel like as a user to suddenly drop on an empty page like this.
It essentially forms a dead-end for the visitor, since they can do nothing else but return to the homepage or go to a different site. Thus, an unfriendly and blunt 404 page may result in visitors being dissatisfied or annoyed with the site’s user interface and cause them to swiftly exit your site.
So I decided to create this amazing page I hope u will like it, Include a set of links to popular pages on your site and try to tempt a lost visitor to continue browsing. Otherwise, they’ll have to go all the way back to the homepage and rummage through the site’s contents to find what they are looking for.
By making the 404 pages friendly and welcoming, you can ease your visitor’s frustration, rather than increasing it with a blunt “Error” pasted across the page. Customize the error page to make it resemble the other pages of the site. Provide a site search option or a site map link. This way you encourage your user to keep browsing. Difficult to achieve, but possible.
If you create a truly unique, engaging, amusing 404 page, visitors will want to tell the world. This can be a great source of new links. There you are, surfing in your favorite search engine when you happen upon just the thing you’re looking for. You click: Nothing but a white page with the words “404 Error” and some other techie-sounding speak beneath.
What’s even more cheesy about the error code is that it really doesn’t tell you what the problem is. Basically, you’ve been informed that the server cannot find what you want. It doesn’t tell you why, how to fix it, or where to go from that point. You really don’t have much choice but to hit your BACK button, call the computer a dirty name, and try again.
But then you see it–a server that’s set up with its own special 404 error page that politely apologizes and offers you links to e-mail site administrators and maybe a site search engine. You’ve spent a lot of time making sure your website is user-friendly, has descriptive navigation, is organized in a way that makes sense,
But what if someone makes a typo when typing in a URL? What if another website links to a page you don’t have any longer? What will the user see on your 404 error page? If it’s a default server error page, it will be an ugly, confusing experience that is sure to drive them away: Server error pages are pretty rough to look at, and what’s worse is that they don’t help users navigate to the actual website.
If the 404 doesn’t help your visitors, then what’s the point? A visitor could find themselves on a 404 page for one of many reasons: a mistyped address, a bad link from somewhere else, a deleted page, or content that has moved elsewhere.
People who land on your website are looking for its content, usually via a link. They would have clicked that link expecting one thing, so why show them a hand-drawn panda? Instead, your 404 pages should get them to where they need to be. Keeping these things in mind, I created this page.
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