React JS Course
About Lesson

To set up a React JS environment, follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js and npm: React relies on Node.js and its package manager, npm, to install libraries and run development tools. Download and install from

  2. Install Create React App: This command-line tool by Facebook sets up a new React project with the necessary files and configurations. Run npx create-react-app app-name in the terminal, where “app-name” is your project’s name.

  3. Run the Development Server: Navigate into your project folder (cd app-name) and start the server with npm start. This opens a local server on http://localhost:3000.

  4. Project Structure: Familiarize yourself with key folders:

    • src/: Contains your application code.
    • public/: Holds static files like index.html.
    • node_modules/: Contains installed dependencies.
  5. Edit src Files: Start building by editing files in the src folder, typically beginning with App.js.

  6. Install Additional Packages (optional): Use npm or yarn to install libraries like react-router-dom for routing or axios for API requests.

This setup gives you a full React development environment with a live reloading server, making development quick and efficient.

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