CSS Height & Width | CSS Course For Beginners To Advanced 2021.

Hello Dear Readers, Today In this Post, You will learn CSS Height & Width | CSS Course For Beginners To Advanced 2021. Earlier I have shared CSS Margin | CSS Course For Beginners To Advanced 2021. ​and now it’s time to CCSS Height & Width | CSS Course For Beginners To Advanced 2021.


You have seen the border that surrounds every box ie. element, the padding that can appear inside each box and the margin that can go around them. In this tutorial we will learn how we can change the dimensions of boxes.


We have the following properties that allow you to control the dimensions of a box.


  • The height property is used to set the height of a box.

  • The width property is used to set the width of a box.

  • The line-height property is used to set the height of a line of text.

  • The max-height property is used to set a maximum height that a box can be.

  • The min-height property is used to set the minimum height that a box can be.

  • The max-width property is used to set the maximum width that a box can be.

  • The min-width property is used to set the minimum width that a box can be.

The Height and Width Properties

The height and width properties allow you to set the height and width for boxes. They can take values of a length, a percentage, or the keyword auto.


The line-height Property

The line-height property allows you to increase the space between lines of text. The value of the line-height property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.


The max-height Property

The max-height property allows you to specify maximum height of a box. The value of the max-height property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.


The min-height Property

The min-height property allows you to specify minimum height of a box. The value of the min-height property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.


The max-width Property

The max-width property allows you to specify maximum width of a box. The value of the max-width property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.


The min-width Property

The min-width property allows you to specify minimum width of a box. The value of the min-width property can be a number, a length, or a percentage.



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