Hello Friends, Today in this post, we’ll learn how to create Pure CSS Animated Gradient Background Using HTML CSS. recently I have shared an Animated Sticky Navbar | Resizing Header on Scroll. But our today’s topic is Pure CSS Animated Gradient Background Using HTML CSS.
Animations can greatly improve an interface’s UX, but it’s important to follow some guidelines to not overdo it and deteriorate the user experience on your web-things. Following the following rules should provide a good start.
You should avoid animating an element just for the sake of it. Keep in mind that animations should make an intention clear. Animations like attention seekers (bounce, flash, pulse, etc) should be used to bring the user’s attention to something special in your interface and not only as a way to bring “flashiness” to it.
Entrances and exit animations should be used to orientate what is happening in the interface, clearly signaling that it’s transitioning into a new state.
It doesn’t mean that you should avoid adding playfulness to the interface, just be sure that the animations are not getting in the way of your user and that the page’s performance is not affected by an exaggerated use of animations.
The Animated Background with Pure CSS lets you create fantastic Animation with gradient colors and smooth animations for the background. Powered by HTML5 canvas element and without the need for any images.
As you can see in the below video those transparent circles in the background. What I want to do is make them animate from the bottom up, and then manually jump down (off-screen) and re-start the animation. The circles are simple elements with a border-radius to make the circle effect.
Do you think Is possible to do with CSS3, or will I be needing javascript for that? I would like to say you can create it only using pure CSS, if possible like to move the circles randomly sideways. I would imagine the randomness would not require javascript? If possible, I would appreciate some suggestions/ideas as to how to make it.
Feel free to check out this code snippet and even copy them into your own project work. Also be sure to check if there are any libraries included with each snippet, or if any CSS code.
On the off chance that your site has heaps of content and takes more than a couple of moments for loading time, you should consider including some loading animation. A pleasant-looking loader will keep the client connected just as engaging them.
The use of Background animation has gotten so mainstream in the previous not many years among website specialist. These days, most SPA or single-page applications utilize a loader. Notwithstanding making your site look extraordinary, it makes it easy to understand and more engaging. So let us now discuss CSS Background Float Loader’s example.
In the event that you are into marking, designs, or entertainment media by and large; at that point, this is the ideal CSS animation for you. The distinctive circle is one lovely CSS animation structured in turning different colors, it rolls and takes a balloon shape floating above.
This will perk up visitors and furthermore support their expectations for your site. This CSS animation can be utilized on business sites that manage items and benefits or even education sites for kids. This CSS animation is, in reality, charming with brilliant colors.
The Cute CSS animation has many tringles with an Animated Background with a Pure CSS structure floating to show visitors that a page is loading. This is adorable, straightforward, colorful, and energizing enough to keep fretful visitors to hang on for a second before the site contents load.
Also, the demo, source code, or the code snippet of this CSS Animated Background with Pure CSS Float is present below in the table for your website design.
For any doubts and queries, feel free to leave comments below. Remember to subscribe to our channel. Do share the tutorial if you think it’s worth it.