Bootstrap 5 Tutorial In Hindi #40 | Progress Bar Class.

Hello Dear Readers, Today In this Post, You will learn Bootstrap 5 Tutorial In Hindi #40 | Progress Bar Class. Earlier I have shared the Bootstrap 5 Tutorial In Hindi #39 | Badges Class Tutorial. and now it’s time to Bootstrap 5 Progress Bar Class.


In this tutorial, You will learn full Bootstrap 5. If you want to go deep into the tutorial so you can watch the full video which is below Hope it will help you all thank you for visiting.


In this tutorial, you will learn Bootstrap Tutorial In Hindi, Bootstrap 5 Progress Bar Class. Here You can learn what is a bootstrap framework, what are the advantages of the bootstrap tutorial in Hindi. Make sure to Subscribe, Share the video, and Like it, for more tutorials in Hindi like this one!


Bootstrap 5 Progress Bars

Bootstrap provides a component for displaying progress bars on a website. Progress bars are typically used to provide feedback to the user on the progress of a given process or action. Users can visualize instantly how much is complete and how much more there is to go.


Bootstrap doesn’t use the HTML progress element for progress bars, to ensure you can stack progress bars, animate them, and place text labels over them.


Default Progress Bar

To create a default progress bar, use the .progress class with a .progress-bar nested inside it.

Contextual Classes

You can use the contextual classes to provide extra semantics via color.



You can add stripes by adding the .progress-bar-striped class to the .progress-bar element.


Animated Stripes

You can animate the stripes by adding the .progress-animated class to the .progress element.


Documentation and examples for using Bootstrap custom progress bars featuring support for stacked bars, animated backgrounds, and text labels.

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