How To Create a Fullscreen Video Background.

Hello readers, in this article we’ll learn How To Create a Fullscreen Video Background using HTML and CSS. previously I have shared a Responsive Login & Signup Form using HTML | CSS | Bootstrap 4. and now it’s time to create a Fullscreen Video Background using HTML and CSS.


The fullscreen background has become very popular in web design lately. Fullscreen images used as backgrounds have an amazing visual impact, but did you know that you can use a video background in exactly the same way?


As you already know To add a YouTube video background to any website block, select “Video Background” in “Block Parameter” and paste the YouTube URL. Mobirise bootstrap builder automatically adds all necessary HTML, jQuery, CSS code, sets loop, removes ads, and nav controls to make the background look fantastic.


Video is probably the number one way to draw attention. A good video background can easily make people stop and take notice, increasing the time they spend on the site. This extended time on the site could potentially lead to more interaction with other content on the page.


Pulling off the video background effect is pretty simple. In fact, it can be done using only CSS only. CSS background and background-image properties only accept colors, gradients, bitmaps, and SVG as values. So what about the video?


I will create a simple HTML5 video element with loop, autoplay, and muted attributes and place it inside a container element. The image used in a poster attribute will be replaced by the first frame of the video when it loads. Therefore it’s good practice to use the first frame of a video for a poster image.

I bet you’ve seen it. A video background that takes up the entire browser window. There is text on top of it (hence, “background”), which is an interesting effect that you don’t see every day. The biggest reason you don’t, probably, is that you can’t set a movie file as the background-image in CSS. You’ll have to do some layout trickery to get it done.


Certainly, a full-page background video can be just a bit much. I’d argue it can be done tastefully. I’m not particularly interested in a design philosophy debate here (perhaps another time), but instead the how-to of getting it done if you need to, as well as some different patterns it might take the form of.


There are a lot of attributes there! The poster attribute gives the video an image to show while the video is loading or in case the video doesn’t load at all. You might also want to use a background in CSS. The autoplay attribute is there because we are wanting the video to automatically play.


Remember we’re being tasteful here, so this is OK. There is no controls attribute, so there is no way for the user to start/stop the video. The plays inline attribute is so this works on iOS. The muted attribute is just in good taste (the video shouldn’t have audio anyway, but also, is requires on iOS to get the autoplay working. Then loop makes it, well, loop.


We could also position other things that we like anywhere on the page. It’s not particularly en vogue, but we could even drop an area of text that scrolls independently, such that the “full page” effect remains intact. Now our video element has the width and height of the viewport (our browser window). This is a problem because in most cases our video element aspect ratio will be different than our video source aspect ratio.


One more thing we should do is hide the video on mobile and just show the background image. This is because most mobile platforms won’t autoplay HTML5 video and will display it with an embedded play button on top of our content. In this example, we will use the same image that is used for the poster attribute in the video. Keep in mind that using display: none on the video element won’t prevent it from downloading.


For any doubts and queries, feel free to leave comments below. Remember to subscribe to our channel. Do share the tutorial if you think it’s worth it.





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