Hello Friends, Today in this post, we’ll learn How to Create a Login Form With Floating Label Animation In Pure CSS. recently I have shared a Responsive Our Service Section Design Using Bootstrap 4. but our today’s topic is Login Form With Floating Label Animation In pure CSS.
In this article, I am going to show you how you can make the form look like google animated form. Where when you click a field to type details then the label will animate to the top with CSS effects without using JavaScript.
A login form is very important for web and app designs, especially for online stores or e-commerce websites. A creative and cool login form will quickly catch the user’s attention, direct a high volume of visitors to your website, and increase the customer base. Most login forms include elements such as username, password, and a highlighted CTA.
Seeing this designing a login screen can be tricky and time-consuming, and as a leading design platform all around the world. When designing a login form with a web prototyping tool like Mockplus, you’ll want to know how to ensure the best usability possible. So today, we picked one of the most attractive elegant, and efficient login form examples built with HTML and CSS. Hope you all will like this collection.
The login form is one of the most important parts of our webpages, It is used for security and quiet effect as I discussed above. I have a fantastic Animated Login Form in HTML & CSS in google style for designers and creative professionals. This is the Best Animated Login Form with unique features that you can use on your WordPress website, blog, platform, or anywhere else.
This animated login form is also mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible with a modern look and effective branding. This is very useful for many people. Here are also many options to find the one that suits you best. Use this animated login form with an interesting effect and impress your website visitors.
If any website has membership or user features, then they probably have a separate login page. Mostly other useful links like sign up, forgot passwords, etc page directions available on the login page. If you have a login page or planning to create then you take inspiration from this post.
In this post, we will learn to create a login form with animation using pure HTML & CSS. There is a form, and some texts, they all have an animation effect. You can modify it according to your requirement. I know this is simple work, but one of my visitors asks me for creating this.
So, Today I am sharing an Animated Login form in HTML CSS. I have used pure CSS for creating all the animation effects. You can switch the position of form very easily, you just have to change values or change the class name. If you are thinking now how this animated login form actually is, then see the preview.
Before sharing source code, let’s talk about it. Simply I have created the main div with the class name ‘container‘. After that, I have places headings, forms, etc. In all elements, I have put an extra class for animation-delay. In animation-delay, I have just increased the time step by step. Like if the first class has 2s of animation delay, then the second one has 2.1s.
As you can see from the animation in the preview, for creating this I have used CSS animation-delay and @keyframe (info) properties. All the things are very basics parts of HTML and CSS. There is nothing special to explain, You’ll understand easily after getting the codes.
For creating this form design you have to create only 2 files, one for HTML and one for CSS. Follow the steps to creating this without any error.
For any doubts and queries, feel free to leave comments below. Remember to subscribe to our channel. Do share the tutorial if you think it’s worth it
Hello Sir, Thanks For Sharing such as content it will help a lot 🙂