CSS Course
About Lesson

The border-radius property in CSS is used to round the corners of the outer border edges of an element. This property can contain one, two, three, or four values. The border-radius property is used to set the border-radius. This property is not applicable to the table elements when border-collapse is collapsing.

Property Values:

Length: It represents the shape of the corners & the default value is 0.

Percentage(%): It represents the shape of the corners in %.

Initial: It is used to set an element’s CSS property to its default value.

Inherit: It is used to inherit a property to an element from its parent element property value. The 4 values for each radius can be specified in the following order as top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left. If the bottom-left is removed then it will be the same as the top-right. Similarly, If the bottom-right & top-right will be removed then it will be the same as the top-left & the top-left respectively.

border-radius: border-radius property can contain one, two, three, or four values.

border-radius: 35px; It is used to set border-radius of each corners. It is the combination of four properties: border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-left-radius, border-bottom-right-radius. It sets all corner to the same value.

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