CSS Course
About Lesson

The CSS overflow controls the big content. It tells whether to clip content or add scroll bars. The overflow contains the following property: 

  • visible
  • hidden
  • scroll
  • auto

Visible: The content is not clipped and is visible outside the element box. 

Hidden: The overflow is clipped and the rest of the content is invisible.

Scroll: The overflow is clipped but a scrollbar is added to see the rest of the content. The scrollbar can be horizontal or vertical. 

Auto: It automatically adds a scrollbar whenever it is required.

Overflow-x and Overflow-y: This property specifies how to change the overflow of elements. x deals with horizontal edges and y deals with vertical edges. 

Supported Browser:
  • Google Chrome 1
  • Edge 12
  • Internet Explorer 4
  • Firefox 1
  • Opera 7
  • Safari 1

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