About Lesson
The float CSS property is used to position the elements to the left, and right, of its container along with permitting the text and inline elements to wrap around it. The float property defines the flow of content on the page. The remaining elements will be part of the flow if the element is removed from the normal flow of the content. This property is ignored by the absolutely positioned elements. It can be written in a CSS file or can be directly specified in the style of an element.
Property values:
- none: This is the default value & the element does not float.
- left: Element floats on the left side of the container.
- right: Element floats on the right side of the container.
- initial Element will be set to its default value.
- inherit: Element inherits floating property of its parent property.
Supported Browsers:
- Google Chrome 1.0
- Microsoft Edge 12.0
- Firefox 1.0
- Internet Explorer 4.0
- Safari 1.0
- Opera 7.0