CSS Course
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The white-space property in CSS is used to control the text wrapping and white-spacing ie., this property can be used to set about the handling of the white-space inside the elements. There are several types of values in this property to use.

Syntax: white-space: normal| nowrap| pre| pre-line| pre-wrap| break-spaces| initial| inherit;

Property Values: All the properties are described well with the example below.

normal: This is the default value of this property. When the white-space property of CSS is set to normal, every sequence of two or more white spaces will appear as a single white-space. The content in the element will wrap wherever necessary.

nowrap: When the white-space property of CSS is set to nowrap every sequence of two or more white-spaces will appear as a single white-space. The content in the element will not be wrapped to a new line unless explicitly specified.

pre: This value makes the white-space have the same effect as <pre>tag in HTML. The content in the element will wrap only when specified using line breaks.

pre-line: When the white-space property of CSS is set to a pre-line value, every sequence of two or more white-spaces will appear as a single white-space. The content in the element will be wrapped when required and when explicitly specified.

pre-wrap: When the white-space property of CSS is set to a pre-line value, every sequence of white-spaces will appear as it is. The content in the element will be wrapped when required and when explicitly specified.

initial: This value sets the white-space property to the default value.

inherit: This value sets the white-space property to the value of the parent element.

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