Bootstrap 5 Tutorial In Hindi #8 | Bootstrap 5 Nesting Classes Tutorial

Hello Dear Readers, Today In this Post, You will learn Bootstrap 5 Tutorial For Beginners #8 – Bootstrap 5 Nesting Classes Tutorial. Earlier I have shared Bootstrap 5 Tutorial For Beginners #7 – Bootstrap 5 Order Classes Tutorial. and now it’s time to Bootstrap 5 Tutorial For Beginners #8 – Bootstrap 5 Nesting Classes Tutorial.


In this tutorial, You will learn full Bootstrap 5. This is Part-8 of Bootstrap 5 tutorial I will give all the part here and if you want to go deep in the tutorial so you can watch the full video which is I like below Hope it will help you all thank for visiting.

In this tutorial, you will learn Bootstrap Tutorial In Hindi, Bootstrap 5 Nesting Classes Tutorial. Bootstrap 5 Tutorial In Hindi You can learn what is bootstrap framework, what are the advantages of bootstrap tutorial in Hindi. Make sure to Subscribe, Share the video and Like it , for more tutorials in Hindi like this one!


Nested Grids Using Bootstrap

You can easily nest grids using bootstrap by adding additional rows. Here is a step-by-step guide for this process.

  1. Create your container grid. Bootstrap requires a container or container-fluid class in the HTML to signify that you are creating a grid. container will create a grid the width of the element. container-fluid will create a grid the width of the screen
  2. Within the container, create a row class. This is to signify the elements within this element are in a common row. Bootstrap requires class row to signify that this is a column in your grid
  3. Within the first row create the necessary child elements. Bootstrap requires class col to signify that this is a column in your grid
  4. Within the desired column, create another element with class row. This second row element will contain your nested grid.
  5. Create the necessary column elements within the new row using the col class

You can nest multiple grids by adding additional row classes. Here is an example of multiple nested grids.


Once you have your grid(s) created, you can assign the number of columns to each element using col-*. If you do not specify the column number, Bootstrap will divide the remaining available columns by the number of unnumbered columns.


By default, the number of columns in a grid is 12. If you want your element to stretch the length of the row, you would assign the class col-12. You can use the number of columns to easily layout your site.

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