HTML and HTML5 Course
About Lesson

When you navigate to one web page on the internet, the browser is doing a lot of work. The browser reads all the required files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and interprets those raw resources to color the complicated page you see.

In this article, you’ll learn the way to make a single web page using a text editor on your own computer, then view the web page in your browser. If you’re interested in publishing your web page to the world Wide internet (the Internet) for everybody to see, look into this article once you understand the steps below. the first step is to open your text editor. It’s necessary to use a “raw” text editor and not a formatted word processor.

Word processors insert characters that create the page look sensible, but aren’t valid HTML. They’re nice tools for creating trendy documents, such as academic papers and flyers, but they additionally insert characters that aren’t valid HTML. Since a web page file should contain valid HTML, a text editor is a better tool than a word processor for building web pages.

Now that your text editor is open, you’ll be able to begin writing your HTML. As you learned in the 1st lesson of the HTML & CSS course, there are a few things that always forever present in a well-formatted HTML file. Here’s all of them together again. There won’t be any JavaScript involved, so keep in mind that this webpage we’ll be creating won’t be all that pretty. It’s simply focused on showing you HTML CSS and its basic functionality.

Every web site is a collection of web pages, first of all, we learn single page, so it should come as no surprise that your journey to create a complete website starts here, with the writing of one web page.

Technically, a web page is a special kind of document written in a computer language called HTML (that’s short for hypertext Markup Language). web pages are written for web browsers—programs like internet explorer, Google Chrome, and Safari. These browsers have a simple but crucially necessary job: they read the HTML in a web page document and show the perfectly formatted result for you to read.

This chapter will introduce you to HTML and CSS. You’ll see how a basic web page works and learn how to make one of your own. For now, you’ll be working with web content you store on your computer, visible only to you. Later on, you’ll learn to put web pages online so anyone with a web connection can see them.

HTML is the single most important standard in web design—and the only one that’s absolutely required if you plan to make a web page. each web page is written in HTML. It doesn’t matter whether your page contains a series of blog entries, a dozen pictures of your pet primate, or a heavily formatted screenplay—odds are that, if you’re looking at it in a browser, it’s an HTML page.

HTML plays a key role in web pages: It tells browsers how to display the contents of a page, using special instructions called tags that tell a browser when to start a paragraph, italicize a word, or display a picture. To create your own web pages, you need to learn to use this family of tags.

HTML is such an important standard that you’ll spend a good portion of this book digging through its features, frills, and occasional shortcomings. Every web page you build along the way will be a bona fide HTML document.

On the inside, an HTML page is actually nothing more than a plain-vanilla text file. That means that the raw code behind every single web page you create will consist entirely of letters, numbers, and a few special characters (like spaces, punctuation marks, and everything else you can spot on your keyboard). Figure 1-1 dissects an ordinary (and very simple) HTML document.

Here’s one of the secrets of single web page writing: You don’t need a live website to start creating your own single web pages. That’s because you can easily build and test pages using only your own computer. In fact, you don’t even need an Internet connection. The only tools you need are a basic text editor and a standard web browser.

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