HTML and HTML5 Course
About Lesson

The iframe in HTML stands for Inline Frame. The ” iframe ” tag defines a rectangular region within the document in which the browser can display a separate document, including scrollbars and borders. An inline frame is used to embed another document within the current HTML document. The HTML iframe name attribute is used to specify a reference for an <Iframe> element. The ‘ src ‘ attribute is used to specify the URL of the document that occupies the iframe.


<iframe src=”URL” title=”description”></iframe>

Attributes value:

It contains a single value URL that specifies the URL of the document that is embedded in the iframe. There are two types of URL links which are listed below:

Absolute URL: It points to another webpage.
Relative URL: It points to other files of the same web page.


The following attributes can be used with the <iframe> tag in HTML.

  • HTML <iframe> allow Attribute
  • HTML <iframe> allowfullscreen attribute
  • HTML <iframe> height attribute
  • HTML <iframe> width attribute
  • HTML <iframe> scrolling attribute
  • HTML <iframe> name attribute
  • HTML <iframe> src attribute

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